Aria Pharmaceuticals

We believe that there is no replacement for scientific discipline when discovering and developing life-saving treatments. We differentiate ourselves from the traditional R&D approach by reducing the time from the discovery process to in vivo results by three years while maintaining the same level of scientific rigor. With our approach, we can start in vivo testing within a few months of initiating a program and with greater certainty that a potential therapy will succeed in early research, rather than the several years and low certainty expected with a traditional R&D approach. Accelerating drug discovery and development means that patients can potentially get new and much needed treatments sooner.

Using our scientific approach, Aria has developed a pipeline of promising treatments in over a dozen programs across a range of therapeutic areas. All of our candidates have shown sound safety and efficacy signals against some of today’s most challenging diseases. But that’s just the beginning. We have the power to apply our science in 1000+ complex diseases.

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